Titans Softball Club

Titans Softball Club
Softball with a difference

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Magic of Throw-Around Sundays

Balls to the wall - yeah, baby!  Man, that was one awesome session on Sunday. Lekke mense, lekka weer, lekke kosies, ooooh and not forgetting the very lekka drinks. A glorious day that was just perfect; shared with friends and family over a good work out followed by that yummy braai that Mr Raisin and Father Abrahams provided with such aplomb.  Thanks guys, you and that Jimmy sauce really rock.

As can be seen from the link, Titans was out in full regalia - with blood pumping blue and looking nothing short of fierce [click on link to access some shots of the ladies in full motion (classic and comic) That's how we roll]!!!

Looking good, you'll.

Till next Sunday....

Mwah :)

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