"F%&$k where did that muscle come from?"
"I can do this...er, ok I thought I could."
"I'm getting too old for this shit (uttered between wheezing breaths and sputtering cough)."
"Jy will mos."
"Jy will mos."
"I need that ice cold Hunter's...now, already!"
Sound familiar? I'm not going to say what of the above applies specifically to yours truly, but damn if pushed I'd be hard-pressed to deny any, if not all. And that's exactly what we've done this past while, pushed to levels none of us thought possible when that little group of rather mad ladies first gathered round a table with the view to starting a new softball team. Not one of the senfabulous six envisaged the heights we have already reached in this remarkably short period of time. Nor will we hold captive the heights that we are spiraling towards. That we are skyward bound leaves very little room for doubt.
Since 1 June 2011, the official date of establishing Titans Softball Club, we've seen our membership base grow from the founding six to an astounding sixteen members - a phenomenal growth of some 200%. The camaraderie and positive spirit that has unfurled amongst members is heartwarming, and has set the tone for the Club to entrench itself as an organisation that embodies family values and community upliftment through the development of softball.
We had our first AGM in May where the first Executive Committee was elected to office, followed by a few general and executive meetings, the incorporation of our constitution and code of conduct, the appointment of a coaching complement, and more excitedly the implementation of the now (in)famous Throw-Around sessions alluded to before. The latter fast becoming synonymous with cementing relationships and imbuing the fantastic team spirit that's become apparent within the ladies team.
So yes, we've come a long way in a relatively short time. And there is more to come, exciting stuff that I will leave for another post for to try and fill this page with it would not lend justice to the Events Committee who are hard at work with amazing feats that will leave you drooling and wanting for more.
Watch this space, me lovelies...
With love,
Ballgirl 2-the-T
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